45-Hour Week Challenge: Day 6

July 28, 2007 Posted by Tyler Cruz

Here’s another update on my progress with the challenge so far: 

July 21 5:00pm – July 28th 5:00pm

July 21st: 1 hour
July 22nd: 8 hours
July 23rd: 9 hours
July 24th: 8 hours
July 25th: 7 hours
July 26th: 5 hours

Total: 38 hours

At the current time of writing this post (not when it was published), I have exactly 50 hours left to make my 45-hour deadline. I’ve already clocked a total of 39 hours, making only 7 more hours needed to hit my goal. And with 50 hours left, I should win this challenge easily.

Did the $100 penalty payout incentive help? While it did help contribute, I believe the bigger factor was just my need to work. I knew that I had been slacking the past few weeks and needed to catch up. However, the $100 incentive did play it’s role. In the future, if I hold another challange (perhaps a 50-hour week?), I’ll most likely up the ante and put up even more cash.

Anyhow, I haven’t won yet…

Here’s a brief rundown of what I’ve been doing since my last update:

  1. As usual, I spent a large chunk of the time blogging and attending to my e-mails.
  2. I established four link exchanges for Movie-Vault.com and MovieForums.org.
  3. I started writing an insanely detailed project description for Movie-Vault’s revamp.
  4. Spent a lot of time researching vBSEO.
  5. I had to find a better SERP tool to gauge my vBSEO case studies. Shoemoney’s, Aaron Wall’s SEOBOOK, and iWebTool’s programs were all giving me inaccurate results. I finally found a tool, hidden in the depths of the Internet that works perfectly.
  6. Installed vbSEO on two of my sites.
  7. Tweaked vBSEO on the sites.
  8. Researched vBSEO’s Sitemap plugin and effects.
  9. Installled Sitemap on Starcraft2.net.
  10. And lastly, a bit of bad news, remember that large acquisition I’ve been mentioning a bit of lately? Well after weeks of waiting, I finally got the final answer this morning: No. If I were to have received this answer a week or two ago, I would have been more disappointed… but after all the drama and hoops I had to jump through, I’m almost somewhat relieved I didn’t get it. If anything, it’s closure, and means I can put more attention to my sites again, knowing the transaction won’t go through.  
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Posted: July 28th, 2007 under My Websites  

8 Responses to “45-Hour Week Challenge: Day 6”

  1. Quicksilver says:

    Keep up the good work man, seems like you have been focusing a lot on your websites lately. Looks like you got no procrastination left in you now. Keep it that way.

  2. tomhuveners says:

    no one works in the weekend.. so you failed :p

  3. Dan Neumann says:

    What tool were you speaking of?

    Checkout some vbSEO Optimization Tips. Some nice query-reducing suggestions.

  4. zigire says:

    Congratulations, finally you work a proper week!

  5. good on you, I did something similiar to you, if I do not complete my project F before 25 August, I will have to treat one of my friends for Japanese dinner.

    I am still thinking whether it worths the money or not to pay $65 for review of project F on this website.

  6. ChrisGuthrie says:

    Tyler, what’s the tool that you found hidden deep within the internet?

    I’ve been looking for a better tool to track SERPS.


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