Giving Away 160 Affiliate Landing Page Designs

January 4, 2010 Posted by Tyler Cruz

It’s been over a year since I last had a giveaway on my blog, so I’m happy to have the opportunity of finally host another one.

Thien Hoang from contacted me a few days ago and gave me a ton of landing page packs to give away on my blog.

Just the other day I wrote the blog post How Sending Me Gifts Can Make You Money. Well, giving out free prizes for bloggers to send out to their readers is another effective way of getting noticed. And if you happen to have a product that costs you $0 to give away (such as an e-book or in this case, landing page designs), you’re effectively getting a lot of free advertising.82

LPDesigner provides pre-built affiliate marketing landing pages. They are sold as monthly ‘packs’, which each contain 16 individual landing page designs. Each pack of 16 only costs $20 and every landing page design is fully coded to XHTML/CSS and the original PSD is included.

The latest December pack can be seen below:


The Giveaway

This giveaway will award 5 winners 2 free packs (a $40 value) each from any of the 5 available packs on LPDesigner. The winners can choose which 2 packs they’d like to receive.

Since each pack contains 16 landing page designs, each winner is actually receiving 32.

How to Win

I wanted to make winning as easy as possible, so all you have to do enter is either subscribe to my RSS by e-mail and/or subscribe to my newsletter. You can sign-up to both my RSS by e-mail and to my newsletter on the right sidebar of my blog.

If you’re already subscribed, then you’re already eligible!

I will be drawing 5 lucky winners (3 from RSS by e-mail subscribers and 2 from newsletter subscribers) by random on January 7th.

As I write this, there are currently only 139 subscribers to my newsletter so your chances of winning are pretty good.

You may subscribe to the RSS by E-mail and Newsletter only once (no multiple entries under various e-mail addresses), however you may have one entry under RSS by E-mail and one under Newsletter.

Subscribing to my RSS by e-mail will automatically send you my latest posts through e-mail.

Signing up to my newsletter will keep you informed of important or special news and updates to my blog. Don’t worry, newsletter e-mails are rarely sent out (I believe I’ve sent out a total of 3-4 in the past few years) and are mainly to get notified of upcoming contests on my blog.

Newsletter subscribers will also get sent a summary about twice a month of my last 10 posts in case you missed some.

I will be passing the winners e-mails to Thien from LPDesigner on January 7th who will then make contact with the winners to hook them up with their prizes.

Good luck!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: January 4th, 2010 under Contests  

53 Responses to “Giving Away 160 Affiliate Landing Page Designs”

  1. I signed up for both the newsletter and RSS by email.
    Hope I win 🙂

  2. I am subscribed to your rss! So hopefully I win 😀

  3. Rory says:

    Nice Giveaway ! i’m in ! =D

  4. wew! this serves as new year’s present to us..thanks!

  5. Typhoon says:

    I was already subscribed to your Email Feed that’s why I am visiting this post just after receiving your email update 1 min ago. But now I have also though to subscribe to the newsletter and have done it.

    I am subscribed wit the same e-mail ID used in commenting. Both for Email Update and Newsletter.

    Those designs from LPdesigner are looking superb to me and I hope if I win it, I will make a great use of it.

  6. The Net Fool says:

    Meh, I think it is quite easy to get designs like that cheaper or even free… pretty basic looking from my end of things. Thanks for the contest, I’ll look further into it (but for now, I’m going to refrain). 🙁

  7. Kris says:

    Subscribed by email. Wish me luck! Thanks.

  8. Tech eSpot says:

    Subscribed by email. Hope i’ll win.

  9. LukePeerFly says:

    Cool! I subscribed to your newsletter. I hope I’m a winner! 🙂

  10. tattoo kits says:

    very cool – I’ll have to enter!

  11. Subscribed. Hope I win. 🙂

  12. Seeing these sample landing pages reminds me that I really need to work on my own landing pages. While I’d love to enter this contest and win some free landing page designs, I’ve been avoiding subscribing to any newsletters recently.

  13. Bidet says:

    This is a great giveaway. I hope I win. Good luck to everyone.

  14. Becky Marie says:

    I’m signed up. I like anything that’s free!

  15. […] if you give them the opportunity to win something that they really want! Tyler Cruz is giving away 160 landing pages for subscribing! (And he didn’t even have to pay for […]

  16. used tires says:

    Thats cool Tyler, Im in.

    Till then,


  17. EarningStep says:

    wow… 160 landing page … sure is a WOW gift

  18. email backup says:

    Cool giveaway. So many different ones to choose from that I get a headache trying to figure out which one I like the best.

  19. Nice competition and I have subscribes in the hope of topping it. I wonder about the gift consisting on 160 landing pages.

  20. Program says:

    I am subscribed to your rss! So hopefully I win

  21. Sohaib says:

    Some nice designs over there, I think ill be buying some of them soon!

  22. Good LPs for sure, i’ll be checking out his site now as well. Theres a lotta good inspiration there for mortals like me who cant get on top of the arcane art of successful LPs

  23. I’m not a big fan, they’re generic and basic. I didn’t get rich on landing pages like that!!!!

    You should be ashamed of even taking their money to do a paid review. You couldnt possibly be happy with that.

  24. chester says:

    Nice gift. I signed up for your RSS.

  25. this serves as new year’s present to us..thanks!

  26. Ron Leyba says:

    Im late for the contest, I missed it! Anyway, thanks for this kind of giveaways Tyler! Hope there is more to come!

  27. Lee Ka Hoong says:

    Omg! That was a simple contest but I’ve missed out! Anyway, good luck to all the winners! I’ll be joining for the next one.


  28. When will the winners be selected?

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      They have already been selected and notified. I didn’t do a post on it because I wouldn’t have been able to list the winners anyway (since they’re e-mail addresses and I don’t want people to spam them).

  29. Hi Tyler,

    Nice interface for a landing page. I was also thinking that having a landing page with easy navigation would be good but I only have a blog. A landing page like this would be good multiple websites.

  30. Really nice themes. I want to write some of these to wp!

  31. Nice designs. I myself is a big fan of it. It will help your wwebsite if you have a nice landing page. And a good price too. cheap yet very eye appealing. Thanks for posting it here.

  32. Kristina says:

    this serves as new year’s present to us..thanks!

  33. Kristina says:

    Nice interface for a landing page. I was also thinking that having a landing page with easy navigation would be good but I only have a blog.

  34. A good landing page can make all the difference between a use browsing or clicking out of you site. You have some really nice landing pages that would appeal to most people.

  35. VHS to DVD says:

    Missed out on the giveaway, but will check this site out for some affiliate design templates. 2010 is my year for starting in the affiliate arena once my own company is going strong. Yes, these designs might be basic, but one of the biggest reasons for success in a new business is actually getting started. If these designs can help people get off the dime and actually start DOING something, they can be a huge help.

  36. indir says:

    Subscribed by email. Wish me luck! Thanks.

  37. Really nice themes. I want to write some of these to wp!

  38. I’m always on your rss list. Those look like awesome landing pages!

  39. am i to late or i can still join the giveaway? I like your landing pages, i want in.

  40. Any better landing page for my site?

  41. How about this landing page/site?

  42. ekimleriniz says:

    I am subscribed to your rss! 😉

  43. Landing page is very important when a user visit your website. It will allow your website to be clicked more if a good landing theme is applied there. Thanks for these good themes, these are very useful.

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