TylerReviews – Batch #12

June 15, 2007 Posted by Tyler Cruz

Here are 8 new reviews of my blog, making a total of 69 reviews of my blog so far.

The Reviews

Here they are:

ambatchmasterpublisher (One of the best reviews so far..)
BlogsDoMakeMoney.com (Nice review)
The Greatest Blog on the Interweb

*Note, if you reviewed my blog and don’t see your link up here yet, don’t fret! I currently have a surplus of reviews and am posting them in the order that I’ve received them and yours will be up soon.

The Results

As always, I absolutely love receiving e-mails from people stating that they’ve reviewed my blog. The more reviews, the more backlinks I get and the better Technorati ranking I get. With the help from the most recent reviews, I’ve dropped from 9,032 to 8,926 on Technorati. That’s another 106 blogs I’ve jumped! I can only hope that people will continue to send in reviews…

Review My Blog

I’ll link back to anyone who reviews my site, in an upcoming post such as this one.

The review should be at least 200 words and can be positive, negative, or somewhere inbetween, and one of the links within the review must use the anchor text “internet entrepreneur” when linking back to my blog.

Alternatively, you can review PublisherSpot.com instead of my blog, using “ad network reviews” as the anchor text.

You’ll get the benefit of a backlink in an upcoming post from my blog which is ranked 8,926 on Technorati, is PR5, has an average RSS readership of 650, and receives around 1000 unique visitors per day. E-mail me at tylercruz@gmail.com with your blog’s URL when you’re done.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: June 15th, 2007 under Blog Related  

13 Responses to “TylerReviews – Batch #12”

  1. Thanks for the nice remark 😉

  2. James says:

    I did a review of your blog and sent you an email. Tell me what you think about it.

  3. Congratulations Tyler. Keep up the good work.

  4. trigatch4 says:

    Hey buddy, you should think about switching up your “review of submitted reviews”. It seems like you’re just copying and pasting for the most part… I’m sure you could find a way to add SOME personality to those posts! Plus… isn’t that somtype of duplicate content penalty?

    Hope you had a nice weekend

  5. Jason says:

    Keep up the good work! Your on a roll!

  6. ds says:

    Boring.. a week without updates. Yeah, you’ll be #1 on PPP for sure.

  7. Jack Book says:

    wow.. topoftheblog.com has a pretty cool domain name.
    and yes, ambatchmasterpublisher write a good review for you 🙂
    i think i’ll write you a review too. coming 🙂

  8. Tyler, you’ve got a PR 7! you beat John Chow! 😀

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      Says who? I think you’re greatly mistaken.. 😉

      I’m hoping for a PR6 at the next update, and that is one big hope. I don’t expect to be a PR7 for a couple years at best…

  9. Well, I swear I saw a PR 7 for your domain, I even refreshed few times and compared the bar with johnchow.com, I should have taken a screenshot for ya

    P/s: Is show PageRank 5 now

  10. […] Rules: 1. Write a 200 word review. 2. Link to either homepage using the defined anchor text for each. 3. Email: tylercruz@gmail.com Written by Aaron Kuroiwa – Visit Website […]


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