WRevenue.com Review

October 16, 2007 Posted by Tyler Cruz

The following is a paid review and is completely of my own opinion and is not influenced by being paid. If youโ€™re interested in having me review your site or product, you can purchase a review from me through PayPerPost by clicking on the PayPerPost Direct button located at the top left of my blog.


WRevenue.com is a new blog on the scene run by Internet entrepreneur and millionaire Scott Wainner.

The ‘W’ in WRevenue.com plays two roles, both representing Wainner’s last name and making the domain sound like “Double Your Revenue” phonetically.

Who is Scott Wainner?

With more and more “Internet entrepreneur” blogs launching and saturating the market all the time, finding a blogger who has actually experienced great success in the field is becoming rarer by the minute.

I personally only read entrepreneurial blogs where the author knows what they’re talking about and has actually achieved success on their own. Ironically, the majority of blogs that teach and preach how to “make money online” are written by bloggers who aren’t even making much money themselves.

Fortunately, Wainner has more than adequate knowledge to teach others about making money online.

His About page, aptly titled Why Take My Advice, Anyway? gives a good brief history as to his success online. He started his entrepreneurial trek on the Internet way back in 1994, and within a few years was already generating $100,000 from banner ads from just one site.

In 1999 he sold two of his sites for several million dollars, only to buy one of them back later for a fraction of the price.

He now runs the successful sites ResellerRatings.com, Dealighted.com, PhotoPost.com, and TeachIMO.com which rake in well over a million dollars annually.

What Does WRevenue.com Offer?

WRevenue.com is a typical “make money online” Internet entrepreneur blog with posts discussing tips and advice on the matter.

Basically, it’s what you’d expect it to be. However, it’d be a mistake to simply dismiss it as just yet another blog on the scene, here’s why: Scott knows what he’s talking about and gives absolute killer tips.

Since his blog is brand new, he only has 9 posts on his blog so far, but his posts Ten Business Boosting Quick Tips for Site Owners and 10 Steps to a 7 Figure Income From Your Site contain extremely valuable tips and advice.

What I also like about Scott’s blog is that he owns several what I call “regular” websites, and thus has a lot of advice to give on how to monetize and grow “normal” websites.

Many “make money online” blogs out there are focused solely on blogging and not building and administering actual websites. Blogging and launching websites are completely two different things so it’s refreshing to see a blog such as WRevenue.

In addition, Scott reveals and shares his sites, and some of his numbers as well. I do this, and I’ve only heard praise as a result; people want real-world examples and…. almost proof… to show that the advice and tips you are sharing actually have some merit to them.

My Advice to Scott

I always like to give advice in my paid reviews to help the advertiser improve their site.

So here are two quick suggestions for you Scott!

1. Reduce Your Side Column

I’m not sure if your skin is custom made or not, but it appears to be so you should have no problem addressing this.

Your right side column is too wide in my eyes. You have a whole lot of whitespace and there is no need for the side column to take up that much space. Reducing it to… say 50-60% of the width it is now would also give your main content more room to ‘breathe’.

2. Add a Real Contact Page

Currently your blog’s contact page is borrowing the contact page from your vBulletin forum on your ResellerRatings site.

I’m sure you did this as just a temporary measure until you added a contact form on the blog yourself; you probably don’t want to disclose your e-mail publicly.

But since you’re now paying for reviews of your blog, it’s time to replace your makeshift contact page with a real one ๐Ÿ™‚

You probably just haven’t found a decent one yet, so here I am to the rescue! I use the WordPress Contact Form with Spam Protection which you can see in action on my contact page.

It works great, is an easy install, and the “human logic” spam protection is an added bonus.


WRevenue.com is a new Internet entrepreneur blog on the scene run by a very successful entrepreneur who knows his stuff.

It contains some very good posts and information and I’d definitely recommend checking it out.

Scott – perhaps you’d be interested in taking Movie-Vault.com off my hands? I also have some other sites you might possibly be interested in.

And if you ever want some tips and advice for your forums, give me a shout ๐Ÿ™‚

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Posted: October 16th, 2007 under Paid Reviews  

2 Responses to “WRevenue.com Review”

  1. Tyler, I completely agree.

    It’s great to see a person such as Scott jump in and lend a hand by teaching those that are aspiring to one day be in his position. I spent almost an hour reading through his site and commenting on the good content within his posts.

    I’ve already added his site to my RSS reader and strongly suggest that everyone else does the same.

  2. […] of course, would be mainly due to the high-profile interviews Scott has ordered up on the likes of TylerCruz and JohnChow, again helping to increase branding opportunities – a must for any new blog, even if […]


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