Brilliant Way of Getting Noticed By Certain People
September 30, 2010 Posted by Tyler CruzOftentimes the best ideas are the simplest ones. In the 1-minute video below, you will discover how the creator of the video landed his dream job by spending a total of $6 and what probably took 10-minutes to do.
I first watched this back in May and made a note to myself to post about it, but was backlogged with other posts and didn’t have the opportunity to do so until now.
What’s great is that you can use the simple idea he did as well. The best part, though, is that this is an extremely affordable way to market yourself to certain people. Most of the time you’ll only be spending $0.05, and if you really want to limit the possibility of paying too much, you can set up the target demographic to that of your actual target. For example, instead of running your ad all throughout the United States, just run it in the person’s home city.
Here’s the video below:
(Note: You may need to visit the post directly at if you’re reading this via e-mail or RSS in order to see it.)

Not since I first start blogging and it was a novelty, but saying that reminded me of a sticker I saw a while back that said:
‘Sometimes when I am home alone I Google myself.’ Which made me laugh.
Haha, thats a great motto, you mind of I use that one 🙂
I don’t google my name because I have the most bland name :/
I’ve already seen that and I think it’s one of the best ideas to get a job 🙂
It is a cool trick for sure. Already saw it too though 🙂
haha.. nice trick he used.
Well the great thing about that was that it was innovative for its time I am sure its no longer really that special anymore to do repeat what he did.
Till then,
You are right about that. Begin the first one that came up with that, is original. If you would do it now and the guy who notices it already heard this story, he probably will not contact you
[…] my friend Tyler just featured a video from a fellow who landed a high end job in New York in a unique way. And with the power of the ‘Net, this idea could lead to at least a conversation with the […]
That’s quite a creative idea that person had. It could still work today as many don’t know about it, like I didn’t till I saw that video. For the record, I’ve googled my name quite often. Mainly when I’m bored, just to sift through the pages and images to see what comes up. 🙂
You did not mention, which job you got?
@Essay, Tyler didn’t get a job…it’s the guy that got the job from the video.
Till then,
I understand, Tyler didn’t get the job, it was the guy, but which job the guy got?
@Essay, oh okay that makes more sense now, good question, wish I knew, lol.
I saw that on another blog. I have an idea to use this for something else similar. Haven’t tried it yet tho.
I just Googled myself.
Holy crap this is epic. I’ve seen aff marketers advertising on internet marketers’ names for their products but this is a whole new thing!
Well this is a great trick…
Googled myself and found interesting result, especially the image resullts.
If you want my phone number you should have it come up when I Google “Does Tyler Cruz want to kill me?” Hahaha~
Your loss 🙂
That is awesome what a great way to think out of the box. It isn’t like the Guys at Google had too much competition for their names so it would be easy to rank for it.
Even though a 6 month old concept, it’s still fresh and brilliant! Heck us marketers are using 20 year old concepts that are still relevant today (if tweaked a bit).
I’m sure this will work on FB……. (hint, hint) 🙂
This is a nice idea. I have Goggled my own name once I think in the past. I think this trick would still work today.
I agree its a creative way to get a job, It catches anyone’s attention when you show them top results in Google
We’ll, I tried Google myself and I was really impressed. If I think some “outside-the-box” ways on this trick, it would be awesome especially in Google images. Creativity and uniqueness speaks!
Hahaha, this is great man!
Yeah, I Googled myself but nothing too exciting turned up.
This is a great idea, I know Affbuzz did something similar with the internet marketing community too. Jonathan Volk blogged about it:
ooops! one sec! i just googled my name.. lol. sorry, it’s not that exciting but can’t help it.
lol When i Googled my name. That Indian bollywood star Salman Khan came up
That’s a clever way to reach someone who might not otherwise respond to your call or email — heck, some of these people you wouldn’t even be able to get their phone number or email, anyway.
I wonder how many of the recipients might just be annoyed by this gimmick? Yet he claims to have received two offers, so good on him I guess.
I always Google my name to see what people can find about me. Not much but the result show my Facebook account and Twitter 😉
Great tips for getting more followers, I also make comment in other hub for the porpuse of my own hubs popularity and i think it is the best platform for sharing our knoledge and experience.