PR5: It’s About Time!
January 27, 2007 Posted by Tyler Cruz- PR5: It’s About Time!
- Condo Update
- Domain Sale
- Blog Updates
PR5: It’s About Time!
There was a PR update a couple days ago… a lot of people noticed a change earlier this month on around the 10th but it was pretty unstable. The update a couple days ago has been solid enough to call it an official update.
None of my sites saw a change in pagerank except for this one. is now a PR5! Yay! I had called it too, on my last PR update post in October:
“I was hoping for a PR5, but I’m guess I’m satisfied with the 4. While I get a fair bit of traffic and backlinks, I don’t have enough ‘powerful’ or ‘weighted’ backlinks yet. I should be a PR5 by the next update though, I’d imagine…”
The PR5 will certainly be beneficial. Since programs like TLA and ReviewMe use PR as part of their ranking and pricing structure, I should see a decent raise in income from my blog now.
Some SERP results: #5 for “mma forums” #5 for “cooking forums” #5 for “movie forums”
(Hehe, notice a trend here? Now you know why I’m a big believer in good domain names…)
I’m also now #35 for “tyler” on Google. That’s pretty good if you ask me! My goal for the future is to be in the 20’s.
Condo Update

I was going to give another photo of my condo today, this time of the living room, but apparantly MLS (Canadian Real Estate Site…) has already removed it… which surprised me since I haven’t yet had the deed transfered over to me.
I contacted my land lord and gave him notice and he was real cool about it. I may even be able to like actually move out fully on the 9th and then have a portion of my rent paid back if he rents it out early.
I move in just 13 days! Wheee…
Domain Sale

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I last posted about the domain sale; it’s already been two weeks!
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, there has been a lot of delay in this transaction. Nothing major, but when conducting such a large transaction and doing it through attorneys and various time zones, things tend to slow down.
Fortunately though, we made slow but steady progress, and the money is now fully in escrow. The domain is currently pending transfer, and hopefully everything will be completed within a few days. It’s the weekend which essentially shuts everything down as the attorneys work 9-5 Mon-Fri., so it could take until Monday or Tuesday, but things should be wrapped up soon.
Once finished, I should receive my share of the money within a few days as well. It’ll be my biggest cheque I’ve ever received!
Cross your fingers that things end smoothly.
Blog Updates
I’ve updated the advertise page.
Updated Alexa ranking and Google Pagerank
Reduced price of Sitewide 468×60 Banner from $60 to $50
Increased price of Text Links from $10 to $15
I also moved the Paid Text Links area above the Archives area.
That’s it for now…
Good luck and good earnings!
Maybe it’s just me but I’m seeing your site as a PR 2. Maybe the Google server where I’m at hasn’t updated yet?
Yeah, my toolbar shows up a pr 2 aswell.
Congrats on the update anyway, you’ve got me to search where my blog is with the term “Josh” on google now lol…
I felt _exactly_ like what your topic says.
My best site had a PR 3 for two updates, and finally a few days ago I saw it getting a steady 5. I’ve got a few PR 4 sites as well, and that’s about it.
Hey guys,
I now see a PR2 as well, but this is because not all of Google’s datacenters have updated yet. About 45/50 of them have though, and on 45/50 of them I’m a PR5. However, now one of the older dc’s is showing and giving me a PR2.. hopefully this won’t stay long. JohnChow has a PR2 now as well..
I want my PR5 back!
Don’t worry, you’re a PR5… officially.
NIMBY issues-per plant & power lines, etc. ,