Vegas BlogWorld Trip Day 2
September 22, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzIt’s currently my 4th day in Vegas, but I’m a bit behind in my blog posts. Part of the reason is because I’m on my laptop and am working from my hotel room – and the other is because… well… this is Vegas.
On day 2 Lisa and I went to the MGM as we had to walk through there to get to the monorail, which we took later to the convention centre. The Blog World Expo wasn’t until the next day, but I wanted to make sure I knew where it was and how to get there, as well as get my badge early in case there’d be long line-ups the following day.
Here’s a short clip showing a paid mobile phone charging station:

After briefly checking out BlogWorld (and happening to have bumped into Ian Fernando and Debby Philips), we met up with John Chow to go house shopping for some luxurious homes in Las Vegas.
John actually did this not too long ago during another convention here in Vegas, but wanted to see how much the price dropped in just 8-months. It happened to drop $180,000 in just 8-months, and the price is amazing for what you can get. In Vancouver, the same house would cost around 3-million dollars. In Vegas, these houses are selling for around $520K+
Whenever John saw an office in one of the houses, he just had to sit down at the desk, lol.
After house hunting, John and his wife Sarah took us to Caesar’s Palace since they had a dinner arranged for later that evening. John knows a lot about Vegas so he was a good tour guide.
It was funny. We went to a toy store and John couldn’t help but play with all the toys like a little kid. They had a giant Trojan horse outside and we climbed up into it, but unfortunately the shots didn’t turn out too well.
Later we went to an Apple store and it was pretty crazy – the customer representative to customer ratio must have been 2:1! I could swear there were probably 30-35 staff in the store. I walked about 7 meters in and had already been greeted by half a dozen of them!
Lisa and I had a crazy long walk home, after getting a bit lost and trying to walk back to the Monte Carlo from Caesar’s Palace on a Friday night in Vegas, but had a nice eventful day.
Day 3 was the most eventful day so far and will most likely be the highlight of the entire trip. Stay tuned as it’ll be a fantastic post.
Sounds like you are having a great time. Definately need to keep us updated if you are already up to day 4. I heard you won $500 to give away to on of your readers???
I am that reader…haha
But keep us informed it sounds like a great expo which I really really want to attend next year
I thought this post will be about the win also.
Anyways, glad to see that you are having a good time in Vegas.
Hey Tyler, you gotta hold that camera more still lol. It’s not as quick as the professional ones 😛
Looks like you had fun funny john chow pic lol
This is great 🙂 , seems very eventful day to you ..
Have a very happy blogworld trip
Nice videos. Seems like everyone’s going over to Viddler. (They have some cool timed tags that I haven’t used yet in my videos.)
Vegas is a blast and the MGM (which is where we stayed when we went there) is a great hotel. Hanging with John is a lot of fun too isn’t it?
Hi Tyler.
Love the videos. Looks like you are enjoying Vegas. I agree with Mike Huang though. Please keep the camera a little more stable and not moving around so quickly. It’s really hard to watch these videos with all the movement and lag. Other than that they are great. Keep up the good work!
Looks like a lot of fun so far. Can’t wait for to see more.
lol, what are you doing with the cash you stole from johnchow? >:)
Cool.. seems like you guys know how to have fun anywhere.
I haven’t gone to Vegas yet. I’m very sad not to be in the Blog Expo. Shitt.. heheh
WOW, look at that cheesecake Factory! Looks very medievul! Can you see your food?? And that ceiling is very pretty! .
Actually, the Cheesecake Factory is behind the Roman/Zeus display which comes alive every hour or so.
I was so surprised when Ian (your cousin! HA! )and I ran into you. Thanks for coming to dinner with us. Lisa should have joined us but I know she wanted to do some shopping!