46-Hour Week Challenge: Day 6

September 18, 2007 Posted by Tyler Cruz

It’s currently 12:46 pm on the 17th as I write this, with my deadline of tomorrow at 9:30am looming over my shoulder.

Effectively that leaves me with the rest of today to finish this challenge since I won’t be able to wake up early enough to get any more hours done tomorrow.

Here’s the tally thus far:

Deadline: September 18th, 9:30am

Sept 11th: 6 hours
Sept 12th: 6 hours
Sept 13th: 8 hours
Sept 14th: 6 hours
Sept 15th: 6 hours
Sept 16th: 6 hours

Total: 38 hours

….leaving me with 8 more hours to go. Now, 8 hours in one day is not too bad at all, but if you take into account that the 5/6 days I’ve only been able to work 6 hours, it’s not as clear cut as it may seem.

Also, I’m DRAINED. Yesterday was my worst day yet… I know this all sounds melodramatic, and it is, but yesterday I just did not want to work. I’m surprised I pushed myself to get 6-hours in.

My eyes are sore from all the monitor staring, the sunshine and cool breeze outside teases me, and my food supply is diminishing by the minute.

Also, it was the weekend. Most normal-working folks love the weekend, of course, because it’s their day off, but I hate the weekend. Traffic slows down on my sites, and I get a big cutoff of e-mails since companies are closed. Monday (today), on the other hand, is my favourite day because I wake up to a big onslaught of e-mails from advertisers (cha-ching!), bloggers, companies, etc.

Getting back to the challenge, I think I might just make it if I push myself hard today, but it will definitely be close. The hardest part right now is that I’m just simply drained. My eyes are really bothering me, and I’m taking regular breaks from the computer, but coupled with the fact that I’m tired, my eye strain and overworked body are definitely not helping things.

On the other hand, I did get a fair bit of work done this week. This latest batch of items I got done isn’t as impressive as the others, but it’s because I spent the majority of the time working hard on MovieForums.org to really improve it.

I had basically left MovieForums.org untouched for a year (literally), but it’s really been taking off the past few months so it was time I finally got back to it to make up for lost time.

Anyhow, here’s what I did since my last post:

  • Answered/read e-mails (I get around 75 non-spam ones daily)
  • Wrote blog entries (I bet you guys have been enjoying these recent posts) 
  • Managed advertisers (accounting, renewals, etc.)
  • Went through MovieForums.org and tweaked all the forum settings (Link to detailed list of entire 21 items)
  • Added custom user titles to MovieForums.org
  • Added new avatar category and 10 avatars to MovieForums.org
  • Spent 3-4 hours replacing old smilies with new “pixelized smilies” and adding 69 new niche-sensitive, pixelized smilies on MovieForums.org
  • Figured out how to set attached images to display the actual size, instead of thumbnail or clickable link, and enabled on MovieForums.org
  • Posted all the updates on MovieForums.org which actually took quite a bit of time since I explained it all in detail.
  • Lastly, I sent out a nice long, but sexy, newsletter to all of MovieForums.org 1,000 members

The next update on this challenge you’ll read will have my results. Will I end up pushing myself hard enough to make it, or will I fall short and have to cough up the $25 to the 5-commenters?

Stay tuned… same Tyler Time… same Tyler Channel!

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Posted: September 18th, 2007 under My Websites  

6 Responses to “46-Hour Week Challenge: Day 6”

  1. Aaron says:

    You have to keep working Tyler. If i was going to win the $25 I would say “take it easy lol, you’ve done enough”. But sadly I wasn’t the first five to comment so I’ll encourage you to keep working. πŸ™‚

  2. today seems like a mighty fine day to get some rest, and check out the beach or park or somewhere without wifi… πŸ™‚

  3. directandy says:

    its gotta be hard to push yourself like this when you really arent used to this many hours over the years.

    im envy you though. i average over 50 hours of manual labor.

    keep it up. you will make it.

  4. Let us know if the newsletter helps with activity, I might send one out on one of my forums to get things going a bit more.


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