I’m Headed to Orlando, Florida

September 29, 2011 Posted by Tyler Cruz

It is currently 11:40 P.M. as I’m writing this. By this time tomorrow, I should arrive in Orlando, Florida.

I have to “get up” in 5 hours to catch the 2-hour ferry to the mainland, then take a 45-min taxi ride to the airport. The flight from the Vancouver International Airport connects in Salt Lake City, Utah to finish the journey to Orlando.

The problem is, I haven’t started packing yet, and on top of that I still have to set up the brand new laptop I just purchased and get it set up with all my software as well as transfer my files from my PC to it.

So basically, I won’t be sleeping tonight… which sucks, considering I’ve been up since 6:30 A.M. (after sleeping for only 4 hours).

Anyhow, I’m hoping I get everything set up, ready, and packed in time.


So what will I be doing in Orlando? Well seeing as it’s Orlando, Disney World and Universal Studios are definitely on the itinerary, but there is also some business involved. The business part was planned with a corporate travel management software to ease the planning part and avail the best travel deals. Check out corporate travel management singapore with Plovertrip here. More on that later.

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Posted: September 29th, 2011 under Miscellaneous  

34 Responses to “I’m Headed to Orlando, Florida”

  1. Shane says:

    Have a safe trip! You are my inspiration, among others. Let us know how the game ad network is going.

  2. Kaven says:

    Take short naps where you can (ferry, plane) and you’ll be alright for the day. Still sleepy, but at least you won’t look like a zombie.

    I’ve had a few ~20 hours of bus/ferry/plane/younameit while traveling recently. The secret is the short naps.

  3. Tyler Cruz says:

    I’m boarding my plane to Salt Lake City in 9 minutes!

  4. Rose says:

    Next time take some sleeping pills with you! Flight from Canada to Salt Lake should have been enough time to get some sleep.

  5. Kelli says:

    Love Orlando. I lived in Tamp for 5 years. I always find myself buying new things for big trips, then staying up until the wee hours packing and preparing said new purchase for the trip! What fun! What kind of laptop? Mac?

  6. Tyler Cruz says:

    Just arrived in Orlando hotel at 1:30am.

  7. iBlogApple says:

    Have a safe and good trip Tyler. Good luck.

  8. This is how you spend your life with blogging? do you have any work aside from it? I know that the best compensation we can get in online work is the flexibility in terms of time compare in going to office, meet the boss, and complete all task.

  9. Hi Tyler,
    Relax and have a nice holiday, both you and your laptop need to charge the battery.

  10. used tires says:

    Good thing it’s a long flight so hopefully you got to catch up on your sleep. Have a safe and enjoyable trip at Orlando. There truly is a lot to see and do there.


  11. Hope you had a nice flight and sleep for a few hours during the flight

  12. off? I don’t believe blogger need off (LOL) only too good blogger can have, in my case, 2 -3 days without in my computer, ranking drops. good for you to have a vacation, maybe I need to spend one too.

  13. Sam says:

    I always take a nap in long flights. Its better and relaxed. But I make sure to wash my face before getting down!
    Hope you got some time to sleep.

  14. Jasmine says:

    Wow, Disney and Universal Studios, that sounds really interesting!

  15. Rocky says:

    Did your laptop crash too? Looking forward to all the great updates and new content you promised.

  16. Michael says:

    Have a fun safe trip to Orlando! Never been there before but hope to visit Disney World sometime soon as I live relatively close right now since I live in Barbados.

  17. Dresses says:

    Exciting, have a great time!

  18. Have Fun i just moved from 2 hour south of Orlando, Vero Beach and I have missed it ever since. The pay increase hasn’t made me miss it any less either!

  19. Pawel says:

    What laptop did you buy? Can you share the specs? Do you plan on playing games on it, or is it just business?

  20. Nice one Tyler, it’s like shooting 2 birds with just 1 bullet. Disney World and Universal Studios while still on a business trip. Hope it turn out ok… 🙂

  21. For me time is gold and this is one thing I value a lot!

  22. Wow Florida sounds like a lot of fun to be had. But I am in SoCal so at least the weather is similar here I won’t miss out on that. 🙂
    The universal studies in Hollywood is fun, I wish I could go to the one in Orlando.

  23. Exciting man, enjoy the trip!

  24. I’m very satisfied about you dude.! You are interesting. You get the fun by visiting places..!


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