MarketLeverage Visits Tyler!
May 5, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzEarlier today I was lying on my bed watching TV, contemplating taking an afternoon nap as I had been up late the night before playing Starcraft, when my buzzer rang. I looked outside to see a large FedEx truck, and told the FedEx guy I’d be right down.
To be honest, I had suspected it might be FedEx when my buzzer rang as my contact from MarketLeverage had e-mailed me a couple days prior, telling me to: "keep an eye out for some snail mail…". MarketLeverage has recently started to advertise on my blog, having booked the Peel Away Ad located at the top right of my blog.
You will also see them become my new 728×90 leaderboard sponsor as well grab a 125×125 banner in a few days.
Anyhow, the FedEx guy gave me a large box, and I happily made my way back to my apartment. Here is what the mystery box contained:

Gifts galore! I was thrilled to discover amongst the gifts: a Flip Video Ultra! I was actually thinking about buying a video camera for my video posts as my digital camera can only do videos 5-minutes at a time, so this was a great gift. In addition to the video camera were accessories such as tripod and case, a Nike golf/polo shirt and gym bag, a USB pen, fleece jacket, hat, and blanket.
MarketLeverage is an affiliate network and has recently been on a bit of a crusade giving large bloggers in the Make Money Online niche these large gift packs. Zac Johnson, Shoemoney, John Chow (no post yet), and have all received similar packages as well.
I’m really impressed with the personalized gift they gave Zac Johnson, which was a plaque in memory of his recently deceased dog Rocky in which he was very close. I thought this was really sweet and is about the best present you could ever ask for.
Below is a video I made with my new Flip Video Ultra. The video was of great quality before I imported it into Windows Movie Maker, saved it, and then uploaded it to YouTube, but once on the web it lost a lot of its original quality. I might try uploading it straight to YouTube next time, as it has an option to do so as soon as you plug it into your computer.
Since MarketLeverage was so generous to me, I have a present that I’ll be giving to them in a week or two as well. I’m pretty sure they’ll love it… 🙂
I haven’t used them yet, but super affiliate Zac Johnson seems to have great things to say about them:
"If you haven’t already, signup to the Market Leverage affiliate network. They just recently designed their site and it is looking great. In addition to a great site design and an amazing staff, they really do have ad campaigns that can make you some big money. I highly recommend using Market Leverage and I’ve been an affiliate with them for years now!"
Anyhow, yay, free stuff! Thanks MarketLeverage 🙂
Thank you for posting the video using The Flip! I am looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in the next week or two! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate in contacting me.
Debby Phillips
AIM: mktlvgdeborah
deborah at
Hopefully one of these days I will get free stuff too 🙁 Congrats Tyler!
I wonder what threshold Market Leverage uses to determine who to market to in this manner.
great way to get there company noticed, to bad they are now in a saturated market and everyone is already embedded in there own affiliate networks. Nice try marketleverage but your just throwing money away 😉
That’s great, they sent these gifts only to big marketers out there!
heck of a payoff, it is always more fun to get goodies than just cash. When I worked at Microsoft they used to give us stuff, like a keyboard and mouse with your name engraved. Little cash value, but people like to see their own name. I got something like 50 of the wireless 5 button mice with my name on them. I gave them to my suppliers, so they always had my name on their minds.
We also got shirts each time we would present at things like TechNet. 3 long sleeve and 3 short sleeve shirts, so we would never be in a dirty shirt.
I know someone that ONLY wore shirts that the company bought him. He owned no other shirts.
Win the hearts and minds.
WOW Tyler!
MarketLeverage really know how to market well don’t they. I will be watching to see how you promote them and what you do over the next few days.
I have also been thinking about purchasing the flip for use in videos. Hmmmmmmm it looks pretty good.
Is the publisher MarketLeverage program available internationally?
We are pleased to accept international publishers! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate in contacting me.
Debby Phillips
AIM: mktlvgdeborah
deborah at
They bought out several of my ad spots for 3 months time as well which was great!
Hey! Not fair! Hahaha…
Well-deserved Tyler.
Nice package!! A flip camera??? Talk about unsolicited gifts and a great marketing campaign.
Wow, they are really amazing guys it looks like. So much of love! I wish I could be in the States right now 🙂
I just signed up with them on your recommendation but I would be disappointed if they reject the application for me being non-US publisher.
Tyler, just wanted to let you know that Steve had called me up and he approved my application. I have mentioned that I went to them on your recommendation. Glad to be part of this network.
@Tyler: thanks for the good words about our goodie bag to you! We expect to see more video updates from you in the near future using that new Flip. Please let either Debby or I know when you’ve signed up as a publisher with us so we can get you approved ASAP! 🙂
@Abhijeet: thanks for registering with us! Please feel free to call me or AIM me if i can help you with any of our offers. I look forward to working with you as your affiliate manager!
I was impressed with your working closely with publishers and I am giving try to few of the relevant ads on my blog, I would like to see how my reader base responds to the ads.
I have few questions and I would shoot you an email with my queries. Looking forward to work with you Erick.
Oh yeah. I used to get all sort of goodies like that when I was interning at Island Records. It was sweet.
Nice stuff Tyler. It seems like that Flip Video is getting awfully popular these days.
So Marketleverage everywhere and i too joined in couple days ago. Still new to it, but guys from there are in total time support and help for me. That is called some good work and the gift looks cool.
John Chow too posted about it in his blog couple days ago.
Woow.. Dude you’ve got your apartment is fully with gift’s from Marketing Affiliate…
Maybe some day, i have some gift to me 🙂
wow cool goodies.
please send them my mail box address 😀
[…] Sending gifts to bloggers is, in my mind, partly what got MarketLeverage off the ground and into the vernacular of affiliate marketers and bloggers everywhere. In fact, I would have never paid them any attention, let alone use and promote them, if they hadn’t gotten my attention by sending me a truly awesome gift package. […]