Affiliate Marketing Income Report: September 2013

November 4, 2013 Posted by Tyler Cruz

As promised, I finally have for you guys my affiliate marketing income report for the month of September.

Unfortunately, there is no good news to report. In fact, it is rather depressing, as all my campaigns basically crumble and I end up making virtually nothing.

Only a few months prior in June, I had brought in a whopping $52,447.17 in net profit. 12 weeks later, I’m down to basically nothing. This is just further proof of how volatile affiliate marketing (and making money online in general) can be.

It is devastating going through such a drop in income, but the one thing that makes it easier to cope with is the fact that all affiliates go through this at least once (but likelier multiple times).

I mean, just off the top of my head I can think of 2 prime examples: Charles Ngo and Richard Bonner. In Richard’s case, he got up to making $50,000 a month right before his campaigns died, JUST LIKE ME. He’s now made more money in the past few years than you could fathom.

I’m HOPING that I can bounce back from this and get things rolling again. My drop in income has not discouraged me, but has rather only fuelled me to get back to the numbers that I was producing, and even beyond.

Anyhow, here are my affiliate marketing numbers (not inclusive of my other revenue sources, thank God) for the month of September 2013:

September 2013 Affiliate Campaign Income:


The lowest gross monthly income my campaigns generated all year thus far…

And for the first time, I’ll include the breakdown of the multiple affiliate networks I used:

Affiliate Network Breakdown:

  • Affiliate Network #1: $17,773.00
  • Affiliate Network #2: $142.00
  • Affiliate Network #3: $17,336.00
  • Affiliate Network #4: $80.00
  • Affiliate Network #5: $245.00



Traffic Source Breakdown:

  • Traffic Source #1: $5,789.86
  • Traffic Source #2: $0.64
  • Traffic Source #3: $19,812.72
  • Traffic Source #4: $9,505.66 

Don’t ask me why I only spent 64 cents at one source…

Net Profit:


BOOM. Jealous?

I spent $35,000+ to make $467 profit. You can’t get slimmer margins than that, as that works out to a 1% ROI.

However, my goal wasn’t to maximize my profit of the small stuff I was currently running, but rather to find new profitable campaigns that I could scale and make big numbers with.

As a result, I spent just enough on looking for those big campaigns to where I’d still end up with a small bit of profit.

Year-To-Date Affiliate Marketing Results

September was by far the worst month for me this year (to date), basically bringing in nothing.

I am actually lucky that I managed to finish it in the green…

Here’s a monthly breakdown:

Month Gross Expense Net ROI
January 2013 $74,277.30 $50,927.39 $23,349.91 46%
February 2013 $103,961.00 $72,516.36 $31,444.64 43%
March 2013 $83,204.00 $49,320.34 $33,883.66 69%
April 2013 $98,526.50 $64,892.30 $33,634.20 52%
May 2013 $104,600.50 $64,402.12 $40,198.38 62%
June 2013 $142,606.00 $90,158.83 $52,447.17 58%
July 2013 $64,950.00 $38,258.85 $26,691.15 70%
August 2013 $38,702.00 $30,127.02 $8,574.98 28%
September 2013 $35,576.00 $35,108.88 $467.12 1%
Total: $746,403.30 $495,712.09 $250,691.21 56%
Monthly Average: $74,640.33 $49,571.21 $25,069.12 51%

That 1% ROI sure sticks out like a sore thumb…

Net Profit Projections

The following linear projection is based off the past 9 months of data, and is projected for the next 5 months:23

Since things have been on a downwards slope since June, the projection for February predicts that I’ll bring in around $4,500 net profit. With September being as bad as it was, I might just be happy with $4,500 a month…

Now let’s take a look at the running net profit total from my campaigns this year so far:24

Since I only made $467 from my campaigns in September, I’m still at a total of $250K net profit from my campaigns this year so far.

In the graph above, the linear projection predicts that I’ll finish the year at a net profit of around $375,000, meaning that it believes that I’ll make an additional $125,000 net profit over the next few months. That’s rather optimistic!

These are just predictions though. My campaigns have really plummeted over the past few months, so we’ll have to see if the law of averages catches up.

September Recap

Since this blog post is so late in being put together, I’m actually having a hard time remembering what all happened in September.

Mostly though, the poor results were reflective of the fact that a few of the main offers I had been running got dropped, leaving me basically back at square 1.

As mentioned earlier, I spent most of my profits on trying to get new profitable campaigns going – looking for things that I could scale and run long-term. That is why I was able to spend $35,000 and basically end up breaking even.

I also worked a lot on landing pages during the month, creating new and innovative landing page styles and split-testing them like a maniac.

I also experimented a fair bit with different campaign angles, but simply was unfortunately able to get anything good going.

October Plans and Predictions

Normally in this section I list the plans I have for the upcoming month as well as predict how I think the month will fare profit-wise. However, since October has already come and gone, I will be skipping this section in this report, since I already know how October went!

I won’t be posting the October report in my next post as I don’t really want to publish two income reports back to back, but I can assure you that it will be up soon (most likely the post after the next one).

So how did October perform? Did I finally hit a red month this year? Did I manage to come back swinging and pull in huge numbers? You’ll just have to wait and see!

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Posted: November 4th, 2013 under Affiliate Marketing  

93 Responses to “Affiliate Marketing Income Report: September 2013”

  1. Super Brain says:

    RIP Taylor.

    Its very sad that you could not live in your new house for long. You will be missed my friend.

  2. Now thats just pure spam right there 🙂

  3. Robert says:

    Hey Tyler, it´s time to come back – are there any news on your projects?


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