Vote for Me, Win $100
January 3, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzAfter the success of my $300 RSS Contest, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to hold another contest. Likewise, my friend and up-and-coming blogger Gyutae Park from, recently finished his own RSS contest and was also looking to hold another contest.
So it didn’t take long for the two of us to come up with a contest idea which is really a competition between each of our blogs.

The Contest
Gyutae and I are each going to try to get our readers to write blog entries on why you think we deserve to win or why you are voting for us. At the end of the contest, we will tabulate who received more “votes”.
The loser of the contest will then have to pay 3 $100 prizes (a total of $300) to 3 lucky winners which will be chosen by random from a draw of the bloggers that voted for the winner.
The Prizes
3 lucky winners will each receive $100 via PayPal from the loser of the contest, who we hope will be Gyutae.
In addition, for each person who votes for me, I’m giving out the following prizes:
100150 Entrecard credits- A plug back to each blog that votes for me
Therefore, if you vote for me, you’re guaranteed 150 Entrecard credits, a plug of your blog, and 3 chances to win $100 cash!
How to Enter
1. Write a blog post on why you think Tyler/Gyutae deserves to win or why you are voting for Tyler/Gyutae.
2. Make sure you write somewhere in your post about this contest, and link to both my blog and Gyutae’s. This only needs to be 2-3 sentences, but must be in the post somewhere (at the bottom is fine). You will probably want to link to this post as well.
3. Once done, post a comment in this post (or Gyutae’s post at if you vote for him) stating the URL of your “vote”. If you vote for me, leave your Entrecard e-mail address as well (or e-mail it to me if you don’t want it public) so that I can send you your 100 credits!
The contest runs for 11 days from January 3rd at 12:00am Pacific (3:00pm Eastern) to January 14th at 6:00pm Pacific (9:00pm Eastern).
Rules & Guidelines
- Please write a minimum of 300 words in your blog post.
- You must link to the winner’s site (and when you mention the contest, both and
- You may vote for only one person, either Gyutae or me.
- You may only win once; if you name gets drawn twice, we will draw again.
- “TylerReviews” are not eligible for this contest.
The posts do not need to be 100% serious, and can be written in a fun and humorous manner, but serious ones are more than welcome too, of course.
Why you should vote for me and NOT Gyutae
Sure, Gyutae may seem like the smart, friendly, and overall lovable guy you’ve learned to love, but he has a darker side to him as well.
I can almost guarantee you that when he announces this contest on his blog that he will be giving away additional prizes as incentives to vote for him! In fact, I bet you he will try to give away some free advertising on his blog…

Now, this is all part of the game, and he’s allowed to do this if he so chooses. Therefore, I bet a lot of you are wondering to yourselves right now why you should vote for me when you can vote for Gyutae and receive additional prizes? Well, there’s a very good reason why you should vote for me instead of Gyutae.
Remember: only the participants who end up voting for the winner will be inserted into the drawing and eligible for the prizes. So if you vote for Gyutae and he ends up having less votes than me, you won’t be eligible for any of the $300 prizes.
So the real question is: who do you think stands the better chance of winning: me or Gyutae?
Sure, Gyutae is crafty. A bit too crafty for my liking. But I have numbers on my side. At the time of this writing, my RSS stands at 1,077 compared to Gyutae’s 262. My Alexa is 29,029 while Gyutae’s is 83,196, and my Technorati is 7,667 while poor Gyutae’s is 43,764.
So voting for me would be a wise decision… yes… a very wise decision 🙂 If you’ve already reviewed my site before, perhaps for a TylerReview, you’re more than welcome to enter this contest.
This is the first time any such contest has ever been conjured up before, so neither Gyutae nor I have any idea how many participants, and thus votes, will turn out. But I can’t imagine there will be too many, so you stand a very good chance at winning $100. If 12 people “vote” for me and I end up winning, you stand a 36% chance of winning an easy $100.
If $100 doesn’t do a lot for you, then vote for me out of the goodness of your heart, and save me from losing and having to fork out $300 to the winners!
Just have to vote for you and can win, probably will think about writing it.
Both of you are great bloggers, looking forward to a great competition, be sure to play fair (or at least make it seem that way 🙂 ).
Alan Johnson
Tyler, isn’t there 3 prizes? If so, then if 7 people vote, each would have about a 43% chance of winning. That’s a lot better odds!
Indeed you are correct, I should have known better being a poker player… I was very tired when I wrote the post though (lame excuse)…
[…] he gets my vote, ’cause he’s da man!” […]
Of course, I just had to enter:)
Here’s my entry!
Thank you Lori, good karma for you!
[…] have finished your entry post, leave a comment with the post’s URL on either this post or on Tyler’s depending on who you are voting […]
Hello everyone,
To view my side of the competition, read the post here:
I’m giving away free Winning the Web Tshirts to the first 30 voters so you want to act fast.
May the best man win!
lol Gyutae, already starting with the evil methods!
Sorry Tyler. I had to get my vote in for the ‘dog.
My Gyutae win. So I may win.
My entry:
Damn you! Hehe.
Make sure that you post your URL on his blog actually.. (it shouldn’t be on mine). We’re doing this to keep track of the tally easier.
Hi Tyler,
Here’s my entry:
All the best!
Thanks for the vote, appreciate it 🙂
One question (I am posting this on both blogs): what happens if both of you receive the same number of votes?
Alan Johnson
I’m sure we’d then include all the participants into the draw, and each pay $150 🙂
Fair enough 🙂
Given the fact that it will most likely be a very close call, a draw is definitely not out of the question.
Alan Johnson
I’m still waiting for your vote…
Since I appreciate both blogs and follow them on a daily basis, I’ll be voting for a draw 🙂
Alan Johnson
HAHA! I was just reading about this over at WTW 🙂
Good luck!
Hey Mike,
So who will you vote for…? Hmm..
[…] Advertisement And so ends the first day of the Tyler vs Gyutae voting competition. Be sure to read the announcement post of it from yesterday if you haven’t already. As I had predicted, Gyutae launched his side of […]
Im not voting until I get a prayer smilee on Movie Vault! [PLite pouts.]
[…] you have finished your entry post, leave a comment with the post’s URL on either this post or on Tyler’s depending on who you are voting […]
[…] Name: Vote for Winning the Web, Get a FREE Tshirt and Win $100 , Vote for Me, Win $100 Deadline: Monday, January 14th, 9 pm ET Prize: $100 via PayPal, T-Shirt or 100 100 Entrecard […]
I’m gonna have to vote for Gyutae this time.
Kind of confused though, since I’m voting for Gyutae, do I only post my vote there or here as well so it’s easier to count?
Here is my Gyutae vote post to make it easier for you guys:
Good luck to both though ;).
[…] you have finished your entry post, leave a comment with the post’s URL on either this post or on Tyler’s depending on who you are voting […]
Whoa.. Good contest from you…
I must vote for u….
Hm.. must prepare some good words …
I’ve finished my entry and vote for you.. Hope you win.. And I get the prize…
Are you reading this Gyutae? lol:
“6) Tylercruz much more handsome than gyutae.. Hohohoho.. ( You must send me some paypal for praise you much tyler)..
So that’s the reason why I vote for Tyler Cruz.. I am sorry for you Gyutae… I think you must prepare to send the $100 to me..”
Thanks for the vote sHyGuYz, please send me your Entrecard e-mail so I can send you 100 Entrecard credits 🙂
[…] the Web got in touch with me to say he is running a contest with another blogger, Tyler Cruz. People enter by voting for either site to win and at the end three people will win $100 each, paid […]
Hi there
I blogged about your contest here –
All we do is write about contests in the blogosphere so hopefully we can send you a few more entries too!
Regards, Matt
[…] you have finished your entry post, leave a comment with the post’s URL on either this post or on Tyler’s depending on who you are voting […]
[…] fist visit to I actually checked out the blog for the first time after reading the competition on The competition is basically to see who can get the most people to vote for them […]
I’m still thinking about who is going to win! This is a very hard decision since both of you are fantastic internet marketers. Hopefully I choose the right one.
Sly from
Here’s my vote for YOU Tyler.
Tyler Cruz Joins the Fight to Stop Skynet
And just a word of caution, if a large man with plastic looking skin and an Austrian accent should approach you on the street – RUN!
Thank you Cynthia. Cyberdyne doesn’t know what they’re getting into. Sure, they seem innocent enough now, but they need to heed my warnings, as their technology is developing too fast.
Please send me your E-mail so that I can send you Entrecard credits to help fund our underground campaign!
cynthia (at)
Credits sent.
Here’s my vote for you:
My entrecard email address is:
Thanks Nichole, your credits have been sent!
[…] to win a review on John Chow), but meh, I just prefer Tyler. Check out his post about the contest, here, where he gives his own reasons to vote for […]
Voted for you, post is here :
Good luck.
Thank you sir – credits sent 🙂
[…] the latest semi-big time blog contest is between Gyutae Park of Winning The Web and Tyler Cruz of and you could win $100 if you get in on the […]
[…] so ends the first day of the Tyler vs Gyutae voting competition. Be sure to read the announcement post of it from yesterday if you haven’t already to get caught up with the details. As I had […]
I am new to your blog and found out about it from the contest. Looks like you are leading I guess… good luck!
Unfortunately i can’t vote cause I don’t have a blog.
Haven’t setup a blog yet because still building my site. so wish you luck. But at the moment I’m compiling good list of blog that I would recommend for my sites visitors. Don’t have much visitor yet but the future looks great. So hopefully when have good visitor then I can start blogging.
Sorry Tyler, I can’t vote for you because you’re only a cartoon.
Hi Tyler. I voted for you at
Good luck
Thank you! I hope I get royalties from the Cartoon Network..
100 Entrecard Credits sent.
[…] details of the contest and competition can be found in my original post, which includes the full details and rules needed to […]
[…] details of the contest and competition can be found in my original post, which includes the full details and rules needed to […]
If you want to bribe me I can have my writers post on over 200 of our blogs and almost guarantee you win. I must however inform you I have offered the other guy the same deal and he offered me a T-shirt and hat
[…] than that. Subscribe now! (It’s down to this inspiration that I am choosing him in his current competition versus Gyutae. Vote for Tyler […]
[…] the purpose of this post is to point out that Tyler is LOSING in his competition with Gyutae Park of Winning The […]
You now have one more vote Tyler.
You can view the post Here
My entrecard email is the same as the email I used to leave this comment.
Hope you win….
A T-Shirt? That’s all he’s going to give to win this? He doesn’t deserve to win…
Hope you like the post…. 🙂
Hey, I’ll take whatever I can get 🙂
Entrecard credits sent, and your link will be up in a future post.
here is my entry,my e-mail is the one I’m using here, thanks! 😀
Thanks hellcola – good karma for you 🙂
Entrecard credits sent, and your link will be up in a future post.
I think Mr. Gyutae has something up his sleeves. That is if Tyler’s votes goes up 🙂
[…] Cruz is currently holding a competition versus his good blogging friend Gyutae, the aim for the competition is to get blog readers (like […]
Sorry for the late vote Tyler!
Course I voted for you.
My entrecard email is the one I used to chat with you. 🙂
Good Luck!
Thanks David.
Catch me on GTalk again sometime so I can give you your 100 Entrecard credits, as I can’t remember your Gmail address…
Voted for Tyler.
Thanks Asif, but I cannot count that as a vote. Please read the rules carefully, and then edit your review. Also, let me know your Entrecard e-mail if you do so, so that I can send you your 100 credits.
Pls check if the new vote post would do.
Heh.. barely 😉
But thanks – I’ve sent you your 100 Entrecard credits.
Consider yourself voted 🙂
Thank you sir, your 100 credits have been sent 🙂
Thanks Tyler 🙂
[…] If you are interested in winning $100 from Tyler, then enter the contest on his blog here. […]
Here is my vote:
Good Luck Tyler.
jackmoe [at]
Thank you kindly 🙂
However… you may want to add another paragraph or two in order to make it meet the 300-word requirement… I’m just trying to play fair with Gyutae 😉
Your Entrecard credits have been sent!
[…] details of the contest and competition can be found in my original post, which includes the full details and rules needed to […]
[…] […]
Voted For Ya Count Me in
Thanks Nick – what is your Entrecard e-mail so I can send you your credits?
My EntreCard is email is
[…] to three lucky voters. In addition, each blogger has ponied up some additional prizes. Tyler is offering 150 Entrecard credits and a plug on his blog. However, Winning The Web is offering a free T-Shirt to the first 50 people […]
After reviewing both blogsites, this was a difficult decision; However, your website is very energizing and welcoming so I cast my vote for you! Here’s my link, featuring your 300+ word post. Thanks!
Gurl in tha City
Bringing Art to Life with the strokes of a keyboard
Heh, nice post, and I’ve never been congratulated for my “bitchiness” before 🙂
Please let me know your Entrecard e-mail so I can send you your credits.
Hey Tyler,
My email is and I vote for you again if I could!
[…] is having a competition with friend Gyutae Park and I am showing my vote of confidence with this blog […]
^ that’s my PingBack.
Best of luck in the contest. Also I am an Entrecard member. Same email used in this comment, thanks.
Hi Mark,
Thanks a lot. I’ll be glad to send you your 150 Entrecrd credits, but your post is not quite 300 words as per required.. please add about 2 paragraphs and you should be good. You may also want to mention that you “voted for me” there.
Once you update it just let me know here and your credits shall be sent!
Hey man. Good luck. just voted for u
entrecard email: bedo at veplay dot net
thanx and hope u win 🙂
Thanks a lot Bedo – your 150 Entrecard credits have been sent 🙂
[…] get more votes they have some prizes: Tyler Cruz is offering 150 Entrecard credits and a plug back on his blog and Gyutae Park is offering 50 […]
[…] To get the full contest details and criteria for entering the contest please visit Tyler’s original post. […]
Hey Tyler I’ve voted for you. You can view my post at:
Hey Tyler my entrecard email is the same as the one used in this post.
Thanks a lot Calvin. Similiar to Mark above though, please add about a paragraph to make sure the post is closer to 300 words. Once done, just comment here and you’ll get your credits 🙂
I’m just trying to play fair here with Gyutae… 😉
Here is my vote
Good luck!
Hi Michael,
Thanks a lot. I’ll be glad to send you your 150 Entrecard credits, but your post is not quite 300 words as per required.. please add about 2 paragraphs and you should be good.
I also need to know your Entrecard e-mail 🙂
Once you update it just let me know here and your credits shall be sent!
I got your e-mail with your Entrecard e-mail and sent you your credits 🙂 But please make the 300-word change still 🙂
Thanks for Entrecard credits. I have made my 300 words change.
[…] Vote for Me, Win $100 – […]